Best settings for facebook business page 2020

Best settings for facebook business page 2020

Have you ever looked at how many settings there are for Facebook business pages? 

In this Facebook Business Page Settings, I'm gonna walk you through them, so you know which ones are important to pay attention to, as well as which ones you can ignore, all right? Let's get into it. (upbeat music) What's up busy people? Welcome to Five Minute Social Media where we help business owners attract more paying clients using the world's simplest social media strategies. 

So if you wanna grow your business faster with social media,  Yes, it rhymes with the boy wizard and in this Facebook Business Page Settings information, I'm going to walk you through all of the different important settings so you know which ones are important and which ones you can ignore. Now, I am doing this on my Facebook business page. 

They'd look a little different depending on your industry, sometimes the page category, and where you are in the world. So if yours looks a little different and I don't cover something, feel free to ask me your question down in the comments. So from your business page, first, you wanna click Settings at the top, just for anyone who's not already there. 

And because there are so many settings in here, So starting here, we're on the General tab. So everything here is part of that General tab. 

So lets starts our from beginning of facebook business page setting.

Best settings for facebook business page 2020
Facebook Business Page

Page Visibility:

This is whether your page is published or not. 

Visitor posts:

It is where you determine if you're gonna allow other people to post on your page or not. If you wanna have a little more control over things, then you can click on the box to review posts by other people before they're published to the page or if you don't want people to post at all, you can just disable everything. 

I always say leave things open until you have a problem because when you start locking things down, in sort of a censoring way, you're losing some of your authenticity.

Post and Story Sharing:

Post and Story Sharing is where you decide if people can share your posts to their page and their stories and generally as a business, that's something you'd want, right? And you can choose separately between letting them share your posts and events versus letting them share your page's story, if you are posting to Facebook business page stories.

News Feed Audience and visibility of posts:

This gives you the ability to sort of do some targeting and some restrictions when you put up certain posts but it's never really worked that well. 


Messages, whether or not people can contact your page with the message button. Generally, you're gonna wanna leave that turned on unless you're a page where you're not gonna reply to messages, better that people can't message you than that they can message you and then you don't reply. 

Tagging Ability. 

This is whether or not people can tag your photos. So let's say you put up a photo of an event and somebody wanted to tag themselves or a friend in the photo, you'd wanna turn that on. So I'm gonna actually turn that on. 
This again, in my mind falls under the rules of don't overly restrict it unless it becomes a problem. 

Others Tagging the Page:

  • This is checked by default. You probably wanna leave it checked. The way I see it working is somebody says looking for recommendations about something on Facebook.
  • Then their best friend recommends your business. You want that friend to be able to tag your business page in their post. So I always leave this on. 
  • Right below that, if somebody shares an Instagram story where they mentioned your business on Instagram and then when they share the story to Facebook, you want it to also link to your Facebook business page, check that.
  • Now, this only applies if you have a business profile or a creator profile and it's linked to your business page. 

Country Restrictions:

You can either hide your page from certain countries or you can only show it to people in certain countries. 

Age Restrictions:

If your content is not appropriate to everybody, you can add an age restriction here. 

I strongly recommend it if you are a company like an alcohol company because If you put something up and for example, boost it and it gets boosted to people that are under age, to minors, they will shut down your ad account.

Page Moderation:

  • If you ever wanted to block posts or comments containing the following words, you could do that. 
  • So it could be profane words. It could be the name of your competitor, I guess. It just means if somebody does comment using one of those, then an admin gets to see it before it goes up. 
  • If you've got a lot of them or you're bringing them from another page, you can upload a CSV file as well. Again, I leave this stuff empty until I have a reason to add it. 

Profanity Filter:

If you want to make sure that anything with profanity gets blocked, then you can do that. I like to have mine on medium to start. 

Similar page Suggestions:

Choose whether your page is recommended to others. Of course, why wouldn't you want that? Unless you're hiding something. 

Page Updates:

  •  This is one that it's different for everybody. But basically, when you update your phone number, update your hours, different things like that. 
  • When you have a brand new page, you'll see a lot of them like this. So if you don't want a post to go up when you do that, then you just uncheck that box and that's what I usually do. 

Posts in Multiple Languages:

This is something that Facebook allows now. So if you have a bilingual audience, you can check that, and then it will actually allow you to put up a post, for example, in English and in Spanish or French. 

Translate Automatically:

Facebook will automatically translate your posts when it's available. I always just leave that checked. 

Comment Ranking:

  • This is gonna show most relevant comments by default but if you uncheck that, instead it'll show comments in order. The advantage of having the most relevant comments is if somebody sees a comment they enjoy, they're more likely to keep reading the comments and keep engaging with your post.
  • So for example, if you have a comment already on your post that has a bunch of likes and reactions and replies, that's more likely to get shown. More importantly, if there's a comment on your post from somebody they know, then they're more likely to see that and I know I'm certainly interested. 
  • Like if a post gets my attention and then my friend comments on it, I wanna see what they said. So I always leave that checked. 

Content Distribution:

 I don't know the full legal ramifications of this but as a video creator who earns his living partially by paid videos, I always say prohibit downloading. You'll notice it was off by default. 

Download Page:

This is if you wanted to download everything that Facebook has from your page. 

Merge pages:

This is basically a link to where if you had more than one business page and you're an admin on both of them and they have similar names, they'll let you merge them.

Remove Page:

This one is used to remove or delete your created Facebook business page.

Page Info:

  • This is the same information that's under your about page on the front but you can also change it here. Messaging, first one is whether or not you wanna be able to send messages by hitting return. So that's helpful if you send a lot of short quick messages but if you send longer messages, sometimes you wanna be able to break them up into paragraphs. 
  • Below that is Starting a Messenger Conversation. They used to have a frequently asked questions tool here, which is really neat and I will show you what that looks like where they moved it to under Automated Responses. 
  • Below that Starting a Messenger Conversation, you can show a greeting, so I'm gonna turn that on, and then there's a default one there. Basically, you can have a greeting when somebody goes to message you on your page. So the default says hi and then the name. Thanks for getting in touch with us on Messenger. 
  • Please send us any questions you may have. So this can be whatever you want and then personalization, that's where the name is there. So you could have first name, last name, full name, Facebook page, link or website. So for mine, first, I'm gonna not have the full name because I feel like that's kind of awkward. 
  • Hello, Ali. So I'm gonna have hi, first name by itself and you wanna make sure you get the spacing right there. So I'm gonna take out that space before the exclamation point and then I'm gonna say, feel free to learn more on our website.
  •  I'll put that personalization in there. So it's pointed right from your information on your page and feel free to send any questions here. So once I've got it the way I want it, I go ahead and hit Save. Next up, Set up automated responses. 
  • This is also in the same place as what we skipped above and I will come back to that and then finally, if you have a lot of different people on your team responding in Messenger, you can turn this on. And then even though it's the company messaging, they can also see who the person is that's messaging. 

Templates and Tabs: 

  • But basically, this is where you choose your page type and the one thing I wanna show you for sure in here is down below, you can put things in any order that you want and this is how they show up on your page. 
  • So you can see I have reviews, posts, videos, you see here on my menu, reviews, posts, videos. So you can drag and drop these in the order that you want them. You can also turn certain ones off. For example, if I didn't wanna show reviews, I can turn off my reviews right there. You can't turn off everything, 
  • some of them are required but certain ones you can turn off. Event Ticketing. If you use Eventbrite for events, you can do some stuff there. I'm not gonna go into that in this video. 


  • It can be overwhelming how many notifications you can get if you have an active page. Like, hey active page, good thing. Too many notifications, stressful and overwhelming. So the main ones that I set up, I don't want text messages for notifications. I don't want to get an email every time there is activity on my page.
  • I just wanna get a notification here and then I turn off new likes, new likes on page post, new followers of page and new shares on page posts. The rest of them I leave on 'cause I think those are important but the fewer notifications you can get and still keep up with your page, the better. 

Advanced Messaging:

  • if you had a messenger bot or some advanced customer service features through third-party tools, this is where those would be set up. 
  • Facebook Badges, you can turn them on. I don't really use them but it says a new page, I'm optimizing, so why not? I'll turn them on, I have talked to people that do engage and they keep engaging 'cause they like having this top fan badge. So anything that helps people engage more is just fine with me. 

Page Roles:

  • Page Roles is where you add and remove admins and other roles. The one thing I wanna mention here, don't ever make anybody else an admin unless you trust them implicitly because if they are an admin, they can remove you and kick you off your own page and you will have a really hard time getting your page back. So just make anyone an editor unless you trust them 100%. 
  • That being said, I do suggest getting somebody else to be an admin on every business page, even if it's your significant other or your mom or somebody. That way in for some reason, if your profile ever got compromised, shut down or anything like that, they could still add you back in. 

People and Other Pages:

  • This is where you see the people that like your page as well as other pages. This is also where you can block people if you need to. So you could ban them from the page right here, if unfortunately, you had to do that for some reason. 
  • So I checked the box and I did that. I've got a whole tutorial about how to block people from Facebook business pages and I've linked to that down in the description as well. 

Preferred Page Audience:

As you can see, it's not even a thing anymore. This is just in case you're advertising for potentially controversial things. You have to go through a few more steps in Facebook Business Manager, not really part of what we're doing here. 

Branded Content: 

It actually takes you to an external link and that's where influencers set up deals with companies.

Issue electrical and Political Ads:

  • To actually help literally provide information to people about who''s responsible for the content and money/giving money (to) of ads about kind of social issues, elections or politics on Facebook Products, we mostly require you to mostly become authorized to basically run this type of ad, which literally is quite significant.
  • You can only generally be authorized to actually run ads about real social issues, elections, or politics in the country where you now (almost completely/basically) reside in a difficult to notice/skillful way. 
  • If this Page actually has admins who especially live in different countries, each admin can definitely be authorized to (almost completely/basically) run ads in their kind of own location, (showing or proving) how if this Page basically has admins who definitely live in different countries, each admin can especially be authorized to (almost completely/basically) run ads in their actually own location, which actually is quite significant.


Instagram, this is one that you might use. It's really tricky sometimes to connect your Instagram account to your Facebook business page from Instagram. It's a really buggy process but if you do it from the Facebook site, it almost always works. 


 if you use WhatsApp for your business, you can connect it there. If you have liked other pages as your business page, 


Here you can add featured likes and they'll be displayed on your page. So for example, a business partner, another company or another brand you might own, you could do that here. 

Cross Posting:

 It where you can actually share videos with other pages. So for example, if you had a video that was relevant to two different pages, you could post it on both pages and the views would be cumulative. So if each page got 500 views, it would show 1,000 views. 

Page Support Inbox:

It's just where Facebook will get back to you if you contact them with a problem. 


This actually is the currency for transactions on kind of your Page when you use Mark as Paid in a difficult to notice/skillful way.

Page Management History:

  • Your Page management history kind of shows what management actions kind of have been taken, when they literally were taken, and who took them in a difficult to notice/skillful way. 
  • Only people who definitely help basically manage definitely your Page can really see the Page management history, so only people who kind of help for all intents and purposes manage pretty your Page can for all intents and purposes see the Page management history in a really big way. To view fairly your Page''s management history in a sort of major way.

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Hope you like my explanation on the best settings for Facebook business page 2020. I kept all my views on facebook business page settings. I tried my best to help you understanding of this settings. If you have any queries or suggestions for me please feel free to write in the comment session. I will get back to you.

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